The 2012 Rising Star Male Spotlight Award Goes To......

It was that time of year again, the one that every caterer and planner in the world looks forward to� Catersource and Event Solutions conference in Las Vegas!

Good Gracious! was heading to Vegas this year with a total of six nominations � five for the ICA CATIEs and one for the Event Solutions Spotlight Awards. These are internationally recognized awards for excellence in their respective categories.
Catersource has taken on a life of its own; it is a haven for designers, chefs and planners alike where they can be inspired, educated and network to their heart�s content. With the fantastic array of seminars and inspiration zones, you are guaranteed to find something, somewhere that is going to help you leaps and bounds.
It�s not all about the frilly fun stuff; owners can also learn more about the �dos� and �don�ts� of running a business, maybe learn more about sales, how to set targets, how to manage your staff. There is something for everyone.
Attending the 2012 Catersource would be for me, my third time. I remember the first time I went when I was meeting all these big names and not knowing who they are, stepping into a seminar and thinking how HUGE this thing is, and not to forget the parties� that was something else.
Year by year the conference grows, there are new ideas, new themes, new speakers, new feel-good stories about how a small mom-and-pop caterer has made it. It really is an inspiration.
But after all that, the 2012 conference meant more to me than usual. This year I, yes ME, GG!�s Young Brit, was nominated for an Event Solutions Spotlight Award for Rising Star Male. To be nominated for this award, in such a short amount of time in the industry, is a real honor, especially when I was against such amazing competition.
All week I had butterflies in my stomach, wondering if my name was going to be called, how I would feel, would I be able to walk?! I also had random people coming up to me saying that they voted for me, wishing me luck, shaking my hand� I felt like someone important!
So the night of the CATIE and Spotlight Awards arrived. It was a fantastic show with amazing staging, lighting and dramatic operatic opening. I shined my shoes, ironed my shirt and trousers and made sure I looked spiffy for such an occasion -- if Mum is going to see photos of me on stage, I didn�t want her commenting on how I looked� Mums will be Mums.
The show began, and Liese Gardner came out to get the show off with a bang.
Then first presenters came out, and the award for Rising Star Male was the first one of the night.
�The nominees for the Spotlight Award for Rising Star Male are�!�
The lights dim slightly, and a grand voice announced the nominees, and their names appeared on the gigantic screens on stage, among them�
�Aaron Kaniecki, Good Gracious! Events�
Pauline made me sit on the end of our row just in case I won, but as my nomination was read out all the GG! crew, among others, screamed their hearts out� I felt like I had already won!
The rest of the nominations were read out from the announcer, then the lights brightened just a tad for the winner to be announced.
�The winner of the 2012 Spotlight award for Rising Male Star IS���
You hear the tear of the envelope in the microphone�.
My head just dropped in disbelief, I then looked to my left to see everyone leaning over and looking at me, screaming my name, shouting �oh my god!�
I then had to figure out how to work my legs, and remember how to put one in front of the other to walk towards the stage.
Now the time between me standing up and walking to the stage, to sitting back in my seat is a bit of a blur� I remember the sound over man giving a brief history about me, saying how �Aaron grew up in England and came over to Good Gracious Events two years ago to pursue a passion in the events industry�� The rest is blank�there were some more words said, but I cannot recount them for the life of me.
I wobbled up the steps to the stage to overlook 1,000 people. I shook hands with the presenters, they gave me the award (which is pretty heavy) then I had to strike a pose with them so the photographer could do his thing. Sadly there were no speeches this year, so I just had to make my way backstage where I would then have more photographs with me and my award.
I made my way back to my seat and I was still staring at the award in disbelief. My short-term memory started to fade and I could not remember where I sat� as the English would say, I was a right mess.
Following the ceremony, a good old fashioned mixer was being held by the ICA. I had people from all over coming up to me, shaking my hand, saying congratulations� of course I had no idea who they were. I think it is best to describe me as a deer in headlights for most of the night.
I am truly honored to win such an amazing award, I thank every single person who voted for me, and Pauline Parry and Good Gracious! Events for their commitment to me, and shaping me into the person I am today.
I just need to find a place to put my award now�.


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