By Aaron Kaniecki, Associate Event Producer
It has nearly been two years since I started at Good Gracious! Events, and in that short space of time I have had the fortune of working some majestic events, meet some amazing people, and worked with the best in the business.
It has nearly been two years since I started at Good Gracious! Events, and in that short space of time I have had the fortune of working some majestic events, meet some amazing people, and worked with the best in the business.
If it wasn�t for Good Gracious! President Pauline Parry, I wouldn�t be in the position I am today.
Pauline saw something in me that was worth going through the highs and lows of immigration to bring me onto the GG! team. If it wasn�t for her I would not be in the industry I love. If it wasn�t for her I wouldn�t of met my wife to be Brianne, and if it wasn�t for her taking me under her wing, I wouldn�t be nominated for the Event Solutions Spotlight Award for Rising Star Male.
I owe so much to such an amazing mentor, who has single handedly changed the direction of my life.
Needless to say my industry progression wouldn�t be to the standard it is now without the support of the fantastic Good Gracious! Events team. Every person has had a part to play in my progression and I deeply thank every one of them.
Not forgetting the International Caterers Association, without the Regional Education Days, Catersource, Webinars & CaterArts, I would not have the cutting edge knowledge of current trends and styles.
I would also like to thank all the vendors and clients I have worked with, because without them none of the events or opportunities I have experienced would of existed.
The name of the game is voting folks, the person with the most votes is deemed the winner!
So please take time to read through my Event Solutions Spotlight Award nomination for Rising Star Male, and take 30 seconds to vote.
Just follow the link,
Enter a valid email address (one vote per email)
Tick Aaron Kaniecki
And Click submit�. It's that easy!
Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you all enjoyed 2011. I appreciate all your votes in advance!
To celebrate, here are some of my key learning points of the past year�.
- Driving from Los Angeles to Phoenix is a bloody long way�. Especially in a cube truck. (for The Special Event 2011)
- Being dressed by four women IS as good as it sounds� (Brown Hott Polo Classic event 2011)
- Michelle learned that there is a BIG difference between a Cambro and a Colander
- Not every intimidating exotic stripper named beverage comes out with fireworks, sparklers and Bruce Lee twirling it to the sound of its own anthem. (the difference between LA and UK beverages)
- Patrick Sullivan is a jack of many trades, one of which is ironing�. You can cut vegetables on those creases!
- It is Kobe beef not Colby...
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